Document management system

DMS module helps you keep documents under control and pass audits without difficulties.

Documents, Excel, Word, PDF, pictures, and other files at one place. Keep versions and see changes through the lifespan of the document. Assign documents to CaDeT objects like material, workplace, production order, etc.

Single point of truth

Using shared folders with a bunch of files? Keep files organized in one place with CaDeT.

Web and mobile

Web and mobile access to documents. Read, approve, acknowledge and more.

Generate documents

Generate documents from existing data, catalogues, certificates, DoC, DoP, EPD, etc.

Generate certificates, declarations, catalogues

CaDeT - catalogue
CaDeT - catalogue

Generate multi-lingual documents based on existing data in system, maintain translations and generate for example:

  • Declaration of  conformity (DoC)
  • Declaration of performance (DoP)
  • Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
  • Quality testing certificate
  • Sales documents, production order prescription
  • Catalogues (Datasheets)
  • 3D product visualization (under development)

More in product information management module - PIM.

Version control

Keep all the versions, track feedback and edit at single place, once.

Generated footers

Automatically filled author, date, version, responsible person, validity, etc.

Approval process

Set up approval process, let responsible persons sign the document online.


Maintain feedback from workers and project these claims to the documents.

Validity reminder

Never miss the expiration date of certificates with notifications or e-mail reminders.

Managed print

Keep every document printout under the control, see the location of all published documents.

Smart links

Link one document to another using hyperlink. In documents, email, and other CaDeT objects like workplace, order, etc.